Susan Easton Burns ‘Can We Still Be Friends’ Original Art
48″ X 48″ Original
About the artist:
When I was 3 years old, my family lived outside a small town in upstate New York. We lived on a rural highway; the road was scary and dangerous because cars went by so fast. There were a few houses like ours that were next to the road and dwarfed by the fields and woods beyond.
It was dusk in early winter, and a storm was coming. Black clouds pushed the gray ones along the horizon. Inside my warm, well-lit house, I stood, leaning on the back of a chair so I could see the blowing trees.
Suddenly, in the blink of my eye, a great black riderless horse appeared directly in front of me, centered in our small front yard. With mane and tail blowing and saddle and bridle in place, the horse looked back; and then as quickly as it appeared, it leaped into the air and disappeared through the bushes. In those five seconds or less, that horse became part of me. I experienced the great spirit of that animal, with all its power beauty, and fear.
I admire and am fascinated with the horses that I know. Excitement, power, sadness, curiousness, fear, anger, frustration, kindness, pain and tolerance are human attributes as well as ways we describe our horses. Horses can express everything for me. I am grateful for all the experiences I’ve had with the many horses I’ve known. They teach me to have the spirit that they have. They teach me how to love and be loved.
This piece is available for sale. Please call 803-642-9772 to purchase and arrange shipping.
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